Home Page2022-04-24T01:50:45+00:00
Mindful living and wellness practices for the body and soul

Welcome to my online journal: a “short and sweet” documentation of my natural health findings for the body, mind, and spirit. My goal is to provide simple, usable information and recommendations from what I’m learning in my journey towards that honeycomb life; an existence full of grace and healing. My hope is that as you read about my discoveries and experiences they would encourage growth, healing, and simply the joy of learning, in your life as they have in mine.

Explore: a little bit of nature, a little bit of hope
Herb Highlights

Bringing the healing powers of some lesser-known herbs to light.

Recipes from the Hive

Incorporating powerful plants into your everyday life.

Since this blog is working as my online journal, my posts may be published at varying intervals; if you would like to know right away when new content is posted, sign up for an email notification and a link to the newest post will be sent your way (you can always unsubscribe).


With a love for exhaustive research, personal growth, natural living, and, of course, plants it was inevitable I would start documenting some of the interesting things I’ve found in my healthy life journey. Each time I learn new information about the body and nature, I see God’s intricate craftsmanship and love for us. This journey is more than just knowledge of, and practice in, healthy living, but for me is working towards a state where my soul is entwined with Jesus, resulting in gracious words and healing throughout my life and in others. This blog has started as a way to share information that promotes healing with my family and recommendations they can trust. I hope it is enlightening, uplifting, and encouraging to you!

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
– Proverbs 16:24
Contact Me

If you have questions about a particular topic or recommendation, or would simply like to say hi, feel free to reach out using the form below!

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